Vorträge bei der European Conference on Religion, Spirituality and Health

Vorträge bei der European Conference on Religion, Spirituality and Health

Vorträge bei der European Conference on Religion, Spirituality and Health

Bei der European Conference on Religion, Spirituality and Health (ECRSH18), die vom 16.-18. Mai 2018 in Coventry, England stattfindet, halten IUNCTUS-Mitarbeiter diverse Vorträge zu franziskanischer Spiritualität und geistlicher Trockenheit.

Auszug aus dem Konferenzprogramm:

Symposium VII: Franciscan Spirituality – Leadership Competences and Values;  Chair: Arndt Büssing (Germany)

  • Thomas Dienberg: The basic characteristics of the Franciscan spirituality are a way how to deal with important aspects and challenges of the postmodern world
  • Markus Warode: “Meet people at eye level” – Integration of Franciscan aspects in leadership today
  • Arndt Büssing: The transformative aspects of Franciscan spirituality are relevant not only for sisters and friars but also for non-religious persons

Session VI: God Attachment, Resiliency, Compassion and Health

  • Arndt Büssing: Overcoming phases of Spiritual Dryness in Catholic Priests and their association with Compassion and Altruism

Keynote Lecture:

  • Arndt Büssing: Empirical Data on Patients’ Needs to Forgive and to be Forgiven

Pre-Conference Workshop:

  • Arndt Büssing:  Selection of R/S instruments – European Perspective


© Foto Coventry: Tanya Dedyukhina, CC BY 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=52361798

13. März 2018
Arndt Büssing